Carlos was born in La Pampa, Argentina. From a very young age, he went deep into the worlds of drama, ballet, contemporary dancing, jazz, and folk music through participating in the province ballet “Ballet Provincial Pampeano” between 1999 and 2000.
Carlos artistic experience also reaches the realm of humor and choreography as he has joined many summer plays at the most important touristic centers of the country for 8 seasons. Indeed, in 2003 Carlos got a Best Coreographer nomination by the Estrella de Mar Awards organization.
Fortunately, most Argentinean provinces have been able to enjoy Carlos’ talent, taste, and style as he has visited Misiones, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Entre Rios, Formosa, La Pampa, and Rio Negro. His art has been seen at some of the most renowned theatres of the country: Lola Membrives, Teatro Cervantes, Teatro Margarita Xirgu, Teatro La Comedia, Teatro Broadway, and Teatro Avenida.
In Buenos Aires specifically, presentations have taken place non-stop for 15 years at some of the best Café Concerts such as La Trastienda among others.
Carlos vast experience and sound knowledge has taken him to panel of judges at many national dancing contests and competitions as Pre- Baradero and Pre- Cosquin respectively.